Project Highlight
After writing six short stories I was asked to take only three and revise them. I was asked to take the feedback I was given by classmates and my professor, the textbook knowledge I had gained throughout the semester, and my own creative intuition to create THE DEFINITION OF BEING HUMAN.
I am inviting you into every critique, re-write, thought, and rebirth of each piece I created with a deep sense of vulnerability.
Story 1 – Twin Flames – The first story I wrote this semester at the beginning of January. I started the semester by jumping into a whole new world without soccer that became rather loneliness very quickly. Loneliness and isolation are a part of the human experience, and I am realizing it is a larger part of it than I care to admit.
Story 2 – Charlettesville Hospital – Expressing grief with a consequence. Hospitals can be places of great discovery, triumph, and love and at the same time can be so dark and empty. Humanity is presence through the nurses who are alive grieving while also absent through the eerie presence of the nurse who passed.
Story 3 – How to Be Right and Wrong at the Same Time – is an inner monologue expressing the chaos of thought in its most honest form.
Pieces That Inspire My Writing
- “We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” Professor Keating (Robin Williams) in Dead Poets Society
- My Story by Marilyn Monroe with co-author Ben Hecht
- Inseparable by philosopher Simone De Beauvoir
- Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow & Bones three book series
- IT by Stephen King*
- Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer M. Rilke*
- The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer and movie adaptations *she says quietly*